Identifying Scalp Issues From Buildup, Dry Scalp to Eczema

Identifying Scalp Issues From Buildup, Dry Scalp to Eczema

When it comes to issues with your scalp you really want to go and see a dermatologist to help you with a diagnosis. Once you have a diagnosis, you can then decide what method you want to take to treat that scalp issue. With that being said, we know before you head to a dermatologist, you may just want to do some investigating yourself to try and see if you can start working on a natural solution to your hair issue. 

Identifying Buildup

When it comes to buildup, it's a buildup of a product, AKA ingredients that the hair is rejecting. The hair can’t absorb those ingredients so it ends up just sitting on top of the hair. Ingredients that promote hold, like a gel or wax will do that. When we talk about buildup for locs, it's when products are sitting in the middle of locs. All of Dr Locs products are intentionally curated with buildup-free ingredients. If you have buildup, you’ll want to work the Pre-Cleanse thoroughly into your hair until you totally get rid of that product buildup. 

How to Know When it’s Dry Scalp

Dry scalp makes us think of someone after they've just washed their hair, their scalp starts to dry out. It can start to turn white. A dry scalp can be caused by the weather, change in temperature, water temperature, and certain ingredients like alcohol in your products. Dry scalp tends to itch and flake.

Is that Scalp Condition Eczema or an Allergy?

We’re not pros on eczema, but you definitely want to see a doctor if you're suspicious that you might have it. You also might be allergic to certain ingredients. So for instance, when Chimere, founder of Dr Locs, was testing ingredients on Chris (a long time essential crew member of Dr Locs) they found his hair would start to flake up. At first they thought it was just his scalp, and maybe he had eczema, until they realized he was allergic to grapeseed oil which is in our shampoo. One ingredient that's even natural, can wind up causing dry scalp from an allergy. 

A lot of times people don't have the time to explore what ingredient is causing the issue. Something could also be going on internally, so it requires a lot of investigation to figure out what's going on. 

Why We Use Simple Ingredients in Our Products

Dr locs line, promotes simple ingredients for a healthy scalp. On our new labels, when you see a word that might look complicated and complex, we actually break it down to show you what it really is, and just how simple it is. We’re promoting a simple formula that won't cause issues for the sake of moisture. We try to use the simplest ingredients and combinations so you have healthy hair. The CEO of Dr Locs, decided to get rid of so many ingredients, and to keep it simple, and found her clients winding up with much softer and healthier hair. Their hair no longer had to fight to create balance with an overabundance of ingredients to work with. 

Other Potential Factors to Consider When it Comes to Your Scalp

Chimere, founder of Dr Locs has always been a loctician whose main focus was a more natural method. Dr Locs’ line is a very simple combination of ingredients, however, we also want to promote a healthy diet among our community to work with your products, hair and scalp. 

In the salon, we’ve seen people come in with scalp issues while growing locs. After using Dr Locs line, their locs are then happy and don't fight with the products and the ingredients in them. Some people go on some sort of elimination diet. They eliminate ingredients they use on their scalp or they eliminate ingredients in their diet and observe how their scalp reacts. It requires a lot of attention to what's going on. So, when it comes to Dr Locs, we like to mainly focus on a really simple approach to loc grooming. 

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