Are Locs Appropriate for All Ages?

Are Locs Appropriate for All Ages?

In short, yes. 

Locs can work on kids of all age. Depending on their age group you’ll find different benefits for having locs, because as you may already know, children as they grow begin to treat their hair differently. Let’s have a look at what some of those benefits might be so you can decide of locs are right for your child. 

Children Ages 0-10 with Locs

Kids can be pretty active and wind up being harsh on their hair. Depending on the age, they haven’t developed that awareness yet on how their movements affect their hair, especially when they're toddlers. We can try to teach them early on, but it’ll take some time before they really begin to process cause and effect. They’re pretty preoccupied learning a lot about the world! This sort of activity and exploration means that parents need to have a lot of patience when it comes to styling their kids' hair. For many, locs can be a great option because it’s easier to manage on the day-to-day. 

Methods for Starting Locs on Children 0-10

We’d recommend starting their locs off with a sturdy method like interlocking or the crochet method because it gives them locs right away. It also allows them to be more rough on their hair without messing up their locs too much. 

Maintaining Locs on Children 0-10

When children are around 0-8, they tend to mess up their hair more often. The Imani Locking Spray is a great tool for parents who want to fix up any mishaps that may have occurred before sending them off to school again. 

The Jinan Moisture Mix is a great moisturizer for all ages, daily. The Pre-Cleanse is an incredibly useful tool for parents with young children because washing their hair can be a little difficult. Athletes spray the pre-cleanse on a cloth and apply that to their roots and scalp to cleanse their scalp. That's a great way to do a quick cleanse. It doesn't substitute a shampoo but helps extend a shampoo which they’ll certainly appreciate.  

Locs for Pre-teens 10 and Up

Kids are more mature at this time. You can start their locs with any technique. You may want to consider a sturdy technique like interlocking or crochet but it's not necessary. Around this time your children are more aware of their bodies and their hair. A lot of people start off with comb coils, especially with pre-teens. They'd come back to the salon to get their hair retwisted every month. When they are 10 and up they start to want to do more things with their hair and take care of themselves, and locs are a great way for them to start taking care of their hair on their own. 

Maintaining Locs for Ages 10 and Up

They can use the Jinan moisture mix as a part of their daily routine. Yaya oil is a great way to help a pre-teen or older take care of their hair. It's not something they need to use everyday, no oil needs to be used everyday. The Locking Spray is ideal for a preteen that wants to take care of their own hair and wants to do some quick fixes around the parameter of their hair before school. They can style their hair the night before school and work on some quick retouches.

The entire Dr Locs’ Line is build-up-free and great to use on kids of all ages.

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