Interlocking Locs: Where to Begin?

Interlocking Locs: Where to Begin?

There are several techniques to choose from when it comes to locking your hair. One technique is called interlocking. Interlocking is an awesome technique for starting locs when done correctly. If you’re considering interlocking your locs, here’s what you need to know.

Interlocking Correctly

We recommend going to a professional to interlock your locs. It can be done on your own, but interlocking your own hair can be difficult. You will create a hole in your locs if you do it incorrectly. A lot of locticians don't know how to do this technique either. Make sure their clients have no holes in the middle of their locs. People who are passionate about interlocking and doing it properly will know what you’re talking about and will love to show you how well they do it. 

Why Start with Interlocking?

You can start locs with interlocking and continue on and maintain your locs with retwisting. You almost skip the baby stage by starting with interlocking because you gather the locs together and tell them what to do. The locs figure it out on their own and the look makes your hair look loc’ed, especially if you have kinky hair. 

If you need to wash your hair very frequently, interlocking helps because you can wash your hair after a few weeks. Sisterlocs is a trade name for interlocking smaller locs. Sisterlocs is a section under interlocking, but it's a trademark of locs that are smaller. The sisterloc industry tells you to wait a few weeks before using products and washing your hair, so your hair settles and you avoid slippage. Give it a month or so to wash your hair. 

Products for Interlocking Your Hair

Dr Locs offers an interlocking set. The original line consists of the Pre-Cleanse, Yasin Shampoo, Jinan Moisture Mix, Locking Spray and Yaya Oil. The interlocking folks don't use the Imani Locking Spray, but they use everything else. People love the whole set, but don't need the spray so the interlocking set has everything except for the Imani locking spray. 

Interlocking Facts

Starting with interlocking is a peaceful process. They don't have to hide from the rain and the hair stays within itself. It's chill, you don't have to continue on with interlocking. You can twist your hair afterwards, so you don't have to commit to interlocking. People start with sisterlocks and then go for retwists, you can do that. The main thing with interlocking is you have to be very careful. There's a bad rep for interlocking because people have done it wrong. 

So, whether you choose to do interlocking on your own or with a professional, you’ll want to make sure this precise job is done correctly.

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