Allergic to Dr Locs Shampoo? Here are a Few Remedies

Allergic to Dr Locs Shampoo? Here are a Few Remedies

It’s hard for us to answer this question directly, since we don’t know exactly which ingredient you’re allergic to, but we do have some natural dandruff alternatives for ya! 

If dandruff is an issue (and it is for so very many of us!) and you can't use Dr Locs’ Shampoo there are other natural alternatives out there for you. You can still use the Dr Locs system (i.e. the whole Dr Locs  line minus the shampoo) if you're allergic to an ingredient in one of the products in the line. 

But what are some allergy-friendly dandruff solving solutions? Let’s find out!

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of our favorite natural ingredients. Hopefully this isn’t the ingredient you are allergic to! Aloe vera will offer you an almost instant relief from that itchy dry scalp, you know, that burn. Aloe vera has a cooling effect on the scalp, and the vitamin A in aloe vera will help capture and lock in that moisture. The vitamin E in aloe vera will repair and heal your scalp, while the vitamin Bs in aloe vera will help your scalp retain that needed moisture. 

Aloe vera also has antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties which can help fight off any bacteria that’s formed or that’s causing the dandruff, and it will clean your scalp from any dirt that’s accumulated over the week. And finally, what’s unique to aloe vera is the pectin that strengthens the skin cells so they are less prone to breakage and flakage. When looking for aloe vera, look for a 100% pure aloe vera, or as close to 100% as you can get. 

Lemon and Green Tea

We know this sounds like something you would drink, but you can also save those precious tea bags for your scalp. Lemon is another great and affordable solution to dry scalp. The naturally occurring acid found in lemon will help fight off bacteria, while balancing the pH level of your scalp. The antioxidants in green tea are not only great for healing bags under your eyes, but will also heal and restore your scalp. Squeeze one lemon into a cup of warm green tea (after the bag has seeped in the hot water for 10 minutes). Gently apply the liquid to the scalp and wash off with cool water. 

Tea Tree Oil

Ah, the beauty of tea tree oil… what did we do without it? Tea tree oil is an incredible and powerful, yes powerful, antifungal, antibacterial essential oil that can clean the scalp, fight off bacteria and give back essential nutrients to your dehydrated scalp. You should never put tea tree oil directly on your scalp without diluting it first, because wow will that burn! Mix 2-3 drops of tea tree oil with a tablespoon of jojoba oil, coconut oil or Jamaican black castor oil. Massage into the scalp and leave it for 20-30 minutes then rinse. 

Fenugreek seeds 

Fenugreek seeds are an underrated natural remedy for dandruff. It’s incredibly beneficial for the scalp and skin, but also smells really nice if you like that chamomile-like scent. Crush a half a cup of fenugreek seeds with a manual grinder, once you have a paste-like texture, add a cup of water and let it sit overnight. Massage the paste the next morning into your scalp once a week, let sit for 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water.  

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