Is My Hair Too Thin To Loc? November 21, 2016Chimere Faulk Thinner hair means there are fewer strands of hair per square inch on one’s scalp. This also means you will have to do larger sections to lock so that the...
How to Care for Colored Dreadlocks October 11, 2016Chimmy Faulk Rocking dreadlocks doesn't mean you can't have fun and get your hair dyed to a different color. However, it usually requires a more intense formula for the dye to stick...
Can Locs/Dreadlocks be colored? September 08, 2016Chimere Faulk Yes, locs can be colored as with naturally loose hair. Here’s some advice from one of Atlanta’s top natural hair stylist, colorist and owner of No More Hats Salon, Joy...
Where's the cream? January 03, 2015Chimere Faulk As you may or may not have noticed, Dr. Locs doesn’t carry a cream or locking butter. Our theory is different from most: your locs will mature and lock via...