Myths and Misconceptions of Natural Hair Products

Myths and Misconceptions of Natural Hair Products

We know what you’re thinking, that there are no natural products on the shelf that can give you the same results as your beloved ‘all-natural’ products minus a few unnatural, unpronounceable ingredients cozily squeezed in between the natural ingredients. 

The truth is, once you finally go natural, and your curiosity gets the best of you and you buy some of your past favorite products, you quickly notice the unnatural coating waxing and clogging your hair shafts. Let’s review some of the myths and misconceptions of natural hair products vs your everyday standard product and investigate what truly lies beneath, dun, dun, dun.

Myth #1: My hair doesn’t feel as soft after using natural products as it did with my other products

Most of what makes your hair feel as if it’s healthy is made up of Silicones, dimethicones, and polymers, which are more or less plastics. Once your natural oils are stripped from your hair during your shampoo routine, these agents come in and add a fake gloss. So, while your locs may look healthier, they are not. Truly natural hair products are in fact designed to feed your hair with all the nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy without the danger, but with all the love of nature. 

Myth #2 My “almost” natural shampoo with coconut oil, argan oil, or lavender cleans my scalp and locs without drying out my hair

Natural shampoos are designed with the strongest natural ingredients to clean out the dirt and debris from your scalp, roots and hair shaft without adding harsh chemicals into your hormones and body. This is a fact. Shampoos which rely on chemicals to remove dirt and debris, while retaining that shine and sheen wind up clogging the pores in your scalp with parabens, Polyethelyne Glycol, a thickening agent which strips the hair of its natural moisture and other synthetic ingredients which may be harmful to the body long term. Natural hair care products are using the best ingredients made by earth herself to keep your body and beauty working within its natural order. 

Myth #3 You can't get the same results with natural hair care products as you can with your ‘standard’ products

This is a truth and a myth. It’s true because when you use hair care products made from all-natural ingredients you’re not going to get the same results as a chemically rich ingredient because you won’t wind up with all those chemicals or artificial quick fixes. On the other hand, natural products are products that work with your body and not against it. If you had a bad experience with all-natural shampoo and conditioner, then maybe that product line just wasn't for your hair type and you should try and find one that is. Natural hair care products also work hand in hand with your diet, lifestyle and overall well being. If you’re stressed, dehydrated and not feeding your body the nutrients it needs then your hair and skin will show you natural signs that it needs your tender TLC. Additionally, natural products need some time to work with your body, the same way the trees need some time to grow in their luscious leaves after a long harsh winter, it’s truly as simple as that. 


When turning to all-natural products, think of yourself as the chemist, the botanist and the nutritionist for your own health and beauty. Find what ingredients work for your body depending on what time of the month it is, where you are in your maintenance routine and how to improve your life, your hair and your health from the inside out and not the outside in. We know you can uncover what works for you the heartful way not the harmful way! 

What have you discovered along the way when you finally switched over to all-natural ingredients?  

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