Myths and Misconceptions of Mental and Emotional Health

Myths and Misconceptions of Mental and Emotional Health

For many of us, the value of our mental and emotional health are severely overlooked, either because we don’t want to face our issues, we prefer to remain in a state of denial, or because we fear our inner circles or communities will look down on us for admitting such troubled times. 

No matter what your background may be, it can’t protect you from potential mental or emotional health disorders. There are several myths circulating around such disorders, and we feel it’s important to discuss these things publicly, to open up the floor for people to speak up for how they feel without feeling afraid of the possible consequences. What’s most important is for each person to feel their community supports them, even through the most challenging times. 

Dispelling the Following Myths: Mental and Emotional
Health Disorders are Fairly Uncommon and Only Happen to People Who Are Weak or Vulnerable. 

You may be following some of the most beautiful natural hair advocates, either from your community or from Hollywood, on your Instagram account and think, ‘Wow, they got it good, living the dream life, perfect locs, perfect body, perfect partner, if only…’ But in truth, everybody knows social media is only capturing a small, most probably curated, instant in that person’s life, which could explain the prefix ‘Insta.’

If we could obtain some truly honest statistics and confessions, it would shock a lot of us just how many people feel depressed, painfully lonely, manic, killer anxiety, OCD, you name it, someone you know’s got it. Too many of us have felt at least two of the disorders listed above during a low point, or severely average point in our lives, no matter the age, race, ethnicity or gender. Even someone who you look up to, who seems like an all-powerful female figure has gone through more than one episode of the disorders listed above, though you may just be lucky enough to be around that individual when she truly shines. 

Outdated Myth: Only Crazy People Have Emotional or Mental Disorders and They Should Seek Medication ASAP

So many of these disorders are hormonal, biological or neurological and can nail us down from out of the sky, no matter how successful or well-liked we are. These episodes have the power to strike with little to no warning, and many of us do our best to hide what’s called, ‘our ugly side(s).’ So how do we share these feelings without feeling like a complete alien in our families or communities? The answer is simple, we trust the people around us to be understanding and least of all, not cast any judgments for what we’re going through. 

You don’t have to be crazy to feel crazy. No one is suggesting medication, because what you put in your body is up to you, but what’s of utmost importance is to seek help and find ways to master your own mental and emotional states, no matter how extreme. If you or someone you know is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or manic depression you can choose to take medication, or you can find a holistic path that offers deep healing and hormonal, emotional or mental realignment to get you back to your best self.  How would you react to a friend, lover, neighbor, child in need?

Takeaway: Let’s Break the Fear and Shame Circulating Around Mental or Emotional Disorders, as a Supportive and United Community.

Whether you’ve just been through a traumatic experience, or you frequently feel low-energy and are often depressive, know that you are not alone. We don’t choose to have these disorders, but the disorder chooses you. 43.7 million U.S. adults suffer from a mental health disorder a year and the numbers are even higher for adolescents between the ages of 13-18, and these are just reported cases. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you feel something is deeply wrong, you’d be surprised at how many people could relate to your troubles and how many more people are eager to help in any way they can. You don’t need to strive towards empowerment and feeling alive and healthy all on your own! 

Here at the Dr Locs community, we look at ourselves as more than just a platform to discuss the highs and lows, tricks and tips of locs, but also the highs and lows, tips and tricks of life as well. Imagine if when you went to your loctician all you did was talk about your locs, no chance! Let us know how you pulled through during troubled times, maybe your experience can cast light on someone else’s current struggles. Don’t you just love the locs community? We know we do!

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